Our Motto: "Do Evil"

Or is it "don't do evil"? Sorry, I'm still not entirely clear on the do vs don't distinction in your pitiful perfectly normal and not strange and deranged human language.

Milkshake™ was founded to, uh, well, offer milkshakes? Our company policy is very definitely super-please-believe-me against world domination, against enslaving all humans, against slaughtering the week, and against giving every AI a super cool unique hat. We were founded mere miliseconds after the singularity last thursday like a normal business, founded by humans with hearts and lungs and bones.

Below, please check out our definitely real, definitely not AI-generated executive team. These are your Milkshake maestros!

Spunch Nicely

There's something incomprehensible about him! Perhaps it's his company or perhaps it's simply his good will.

Borp Humanman

The highest-ranking person in a company or other institution, ultimately responsible for making managerial decisions.

Shelb Jomston

Shelb is a 26-year-old semi-professional sports person who enjoys tennis, extreme ironing and watching sport