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This is a collection of projects that were too small or simple to warrant their own page(or just weren’t interesting enough to write about).
I’ve included them here for completeness.
A Python wrapper for RateMyProfessors' GraphQL API, featuring both synchronous and asynchronous equivalents for each available function.
A few dead-simple utilities that fix/modify/convert the URLs for UIUC's Course Information Suite API. (Web source code) (Module source code)
A test site built as-assigned for the UIC Technologys Solution SDD internship program, built in vanilla(haha, get it?) HTML, CSS, and Javascript. (Source code)
A GUI interface built in Python to filter user videos by resolution, either moving them into a specified output folder or deleting them, depending on user preference.
A program that analyzes Divvy's trip data from the Chicago bike sharing company. Cleans and manipulates data to improve accuracy and ease of use.