

A course search engine supercharged with professor ratings and GPA data. (Source code)
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Course Warlock in the browser with a search for 'prof: livengood, philosophy'

Course Warlock is a UIUC course search engine that allows you to granularly search courses through a straightforward interface with integrated GPA data and professor ratings. It is built with SvelteKit, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript in the frontend, and Python and FastAPI in the backend. I’ve been working on it since January 2023—a quarter of the year—and it’s finally ready for release.

This project has been, by far, my largest and most complicated technical undertaking. The process involved deciphering a terribly documented university API & writing a module to fix it, as well as writing a Python module to interact with RateMyProfessor from scratch, writing a system to dynamically parse search queries into a set of advanced parameters, and a whole host more. As a result, I have yet to give a complete writeup of the project. This is where that writeup will exist once I’m clear of finals and the spring semester and have a chance to sit down and write it.

Until then, you can use Course Warlock at warlock.mirth.cc and view the source code on my GitHub.